Tuesday 24 April 2007

Bakuon Drop!!

Tomorrow... Every third year student in Sweden is going to face a big exam tomorrow. 5 hours writing exam in Swedish. 5 hours, I've never been sitting on the same chair for so long! I wonder if I'm going to be able to sit for that long.
It's said that we'll going to get a sandwich and something to drink after two hours or so, but I wonder how much that would help...
I bought some Marabou chocolate and a yoghurt drink for the exam, so that I won't be able to fall asleep somewhere in the middle of the test... Wish me luck.. haha

So, for this sake, I didn't go to my practice today, because if I did go, I'll come home after 11 pm, eat and take a shower, and go to bed around 12 pm if I'm lucky and fast enough. Usually I can't go to bed before 1 am after these practices. Then I'll get only 5 or 6 hours' sleep, if so much. I don't know if I can afford that. So I decided in the last minute not to go to the practice. I'll go to sleep early, so that I get at least 8 hours' sleep.
So, in a few minutes I'm going to bed.
Good Night! ...zzz

1 comment:

Huisi said...

hey there! I was thinking maybe we could talk over msnm if you have one... my add is teruterutenshi88@hotmail.com

Seems like you'll be taking an exam....good luck!! =)