Friday, 14 May 2010

I almost forgot. No, I DID forget.

May month came so fast, I forgot to turn the next page of GLAY calendar... *shamed*

It's not that I've been busy or something. It's been the opposite, I've got nothing to do. The practices have been few, and I wasn't scheduled to coach all the few practices either. So it's been boring. Every time I step on the ice, I've got my head full of exercises I want to try, and when I've got too many in my head, some good ones gets forgotten. Yes, I know, I can write them down, the problem is, when I invent them in my head, I often do other things, or are in a different place, or listen to music. So I just don't have the chance to write them down. But also because I'm lazy to write them down... But I bet that if I wrote down each exercise I come up with, I would have at least a half notebook full of them.

I'm also waiting for the vacation I'm gonna go to with two friends. I don't know why, but I've been longing to go to that vacation now. Maybe because I'm bored? Or maybe because I just want to get somewhere else? I don't know. But there's sure something.

Well, honestly I don't have much more to write. So I think I'll stop here.

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