Monday, 18 October 2010
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
I see sunshine!
I'm starting to see some sunshine after all! Still some troubles with the skating...but otherwise it's getting beeeetter! (^O^)
Now I'm free from school until monday! yay!
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Labels: Misc
Sunday, 12 September 2010
it really bugs me
I'm just so confused and frustrated right now....
what should I believe in?
sometimes I wish answers were written right in front of me...
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Labels: bugs
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Happy Birthday myself!
So this day came, when I grow one year older than yesterday.
This day began with a movie at the university. It was early in the morning, I hadn't slept so many hours, so I was kinda tired. We were going to watch a movie, Lost Highway, by David Lynch. I had no idea about what this movie was about, I didn't had time to read a summary about it. So I just sat and watched, but since the beginning to the very end, it was so creepy and scary all the time, so from time to time I was just awake like anytime. I hate thrillers and creepy movies. I just sat there and wished it to end as fast as it could. Thanks to being tired, the movie haven't imprinted inside my head as strong as it usually does when I watch a movie. Hopefully I won't think about the movie later on. I hope...otherwise, I won't be able to go outside with the dog in the middle of the night... It would be so scary when my thoughts goes back to that movie...
The movie have so strong sound effects, that the sound made the whole thing 5 times scarier than it would've been without the creepy sounds.
Anyway, after that we already ended that day, so I went to go shopping for a while. I found some good leggings, since I don't own a single one. And two pairs of brand new gloves for the ice rink! At last!
So I'll take one of the brand new gloves tonight when I go to work in the ice rink.
And now I have to write a short summary, or experience of the first movie we saw, Fahrenheit 451. I've started, not so good thou, but it's something anyway. But it's like nothing inside my head now, since I'm so sleepy. I think I should take a nap for some minutes...
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Labels: Misc
Monday, 28 June 2010
Bulgaria, Istanbul, etc...
Well well well, it's been a long time since last time. I'm quite bad at updating here... I'm terribly sorry.
I can tell that the driver's licence test is delayed until August, because my driver teacher didn't want me to do the test when I was up in north...
But now I got time to practice enough before the test. If I fail, I will have to redo both the driving test and the theory test..... so I have to make it.
Now I'm in Bulgaria with two friends. We've been here since 14th June. We've done many things together and it's been fun! (^^)
This weekend, we were travelling to Istanbul with a charter bus. The guide is a friend of my dad's. The trip to Istanbul wasn't good, since the guide was talking non-stop during the most of the trip. But the city itself was so awesome!!
The streets were really good, no holes or anything bad like in Bulgaria, no garbage on the street sides. But the people on the streets were like 90% men or more...!!
We went to the biggest tourist attractions together with the charter group and the bus. That was good because otherwise, you would never be able to go to the places on your own. The city is incredibly big and you get lost even if you have a map. But I'll definitely visit the city again one day, because three days were too short to be there.
Something we weren't prepared for was how many people were talking to us on the streets. My dad and cousins told us that people can come and talk with us, wants us to come for a coffee or something, mostly dangerous situations and so on. But that people would talk to us every single meter was unexpectedly.
But we prepared us the second time we were going out in the city, and it felt much better. Kinda good too, because you don't get the attention in other countries, but here people were talking all the time. Maybe because we were looking differently, or maybe because we were girls from somewhere else.
It was a great weekend and I'm happy we choose to go, even if there were times you wanted to smash something (when we travelled with the bus and not getting any rest because the guide was talking nonstop). But it was a good introduction of the city. Now we'll know what we want to do when we go there next time (^_^)
Now we got only two days left in Bulgaria, after that, a long and boring summer will continue, since I don't have any summer job or going elsewhere...
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Labels: Misc
Friday, 14 May 2010
I almost forgot. No, I DID forget.
May month came so fast, I forgot to turn the next page of GLAY calendar... *shamed*
It's not that I've been busy or something. It's been the opposite, I've got nothing to do. The practices have been few, and I wasn't scheduled to coach all the few practices either. So it's been boring. Every time I step on the ice, I've got my head full of exercises I want to try, and when I've got too many in my head, some good ones gets forgotten. Yes, I know, I can write them down, the problem is, when I invent them in my head, I often do other things, or are in a different place, or listen to music. So I just don't have the chance to write them down. But also because I'm lazy to write them down... But I bet that if I wrote down each exercise I come up with, I would have at least a half notebook full of them.
I'm also waiting for the vacation I'm gonna go to with two friends. I don't know why, but I've been longing to go to that vacation now. Maybe because I'm bored? Or maybe because I just want to get somewhere else? I don't know. But there's sure something.
Well, honestly I don't have much more to write. So I think I'll stop here.
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Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
sick after a wonderful time
So, it was a great ice show the 2nd April. The international skaters, most of them, skated two programs. It was awesome!
And the day after, I got to meet Stéphane Lambiel! I was so nervous all the time, but when we sat in the car and was heading to the airport, it felt natural. The talking went quite smooth, and my english was surprisingly well. He talks good too, in a nice tempo. I couldn't ask him so many things, because the conversation didn't go that way... But watching him all the way to the airport was just so nice. I had a great time, and I won't forget that moment for a looong time.
He's really a prince charming, and I wish we had more time to chat.
Now I'm sick, because my brother have been sick for a long time, and he's been coughing all over the place for weeks! And when I stopped the nervous feeling about the meeting and stuff, the virus got hold on me.... So I've been almost knocked out today. Not much fever, slighly throat ache, but it's irritating. I can't do proper things, but I don't get much better by lying down all the time. So I've been watching "Hotaru no Hikari" a bit, mailing and stuff, but it's not getting better anyway. Now I'm just wishing that the virus gets out of me, as soon as possible....
I was planning to go to the city today to help a friend, but geez, that didn't work out at all...
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Labels: bugs, Figure Skating
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Not an April's Fool.
So, this is for real.
I'm going to meet Stéphane Lambiel in person.
Yes, I'm trying to write this without getting too hyped, 'cause then I'll write too weird things.
One friend said she's going to drive Stéphane to the airport the day after the ice show. I asked if I could ride with her, and she said yes! So I'll meet him in person, go to the airport together and all the time I'll be able to talk to him, if I have my senses on the right side so to say. I haven't thought of what to talk with him, and I don't know if I want to give a small gift to him that day or on the ice show when it's his actual birthday. And I don't have much to give. The thing is, he's travelling so much now, and I know he don't have much space left for any gifts or so, so it shouldn't be too big in size.
Ah....I really have to think of something. Because tomorrow is the ice show!
What to wear?
Ok, I have to walk the dog, then I'll continue to think.
PS. And this is not an April's fool. This is for real, even if I still can't believe it.
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Labels: Figure Skating
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Daisuke daisuki! :D
Greatly done, Takahashi Daisuke! You deserve the gold medal more than anyone at this moment, you deserved it at the Olympics too, but here you convinced everyone.
He's amazing and he will always be. One of the few skaters that really touches one right away. He's the same "type" as Alexei Yagudin, every performance struck into the heart. So much emotions, so much strenght and beauty, they show us the whole figure skating. Nothing is missing out, it's perfect. It's beyond anything any other sports can show us.
I mean, wtf?! Quad-flip?! hello...am I missing something..?? He did quad-flip!!! It wasn't completely clear, but he did a quad-flip, during a competition! First skater to do a different quad besides toeloop and salchow. Amazing.
Seeing the judges details, the judges downgraded it, but they put it as a quad-flip.
Means, one day we'll see this man do a clear quad-flip. *eyes wide open*
He's also got level 4 for all spins and step sequences. Besides that, lots of plus!
(The photo shows his previous free skating costume, he changed it for the Olympics...dunno why, I liked this one better than what he weared tonight.)
And our Adrian Schultheiss. Great performance. He's done better before, but this was also great. I mean, he was 7th only in free skating! Made him 9th place overall. Means 2 skaters from Sweden next year! Wohooo!
He did a great quad-toe. And most of the elements he got plus points. It's awesome. I'm so proud! And he's probably really happy too!
I wanted to watch Javier Fernandez and Florent Amodio, but I missed them... But Michal Brezina was 3rd place in free skating! He became 4th place overall. He's also awesome! I hope the coach will pull out more of the coreography from him next time. He's a great skater but I think he has more to show us, more of the passion-side of the skating.
I have to mention, Kevin van der Perren made quad-toe-triple-toe-triple-toe combination, the base value is 17.80..!! And he also got plus, so overall only that combination gave him 19.00 points..!! omg... not bad..!
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Labels: Figure Skating
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Happy Birthday Alexei!
Happy Birthday Alexei!! \(^O^)/
I hope you'll having a great day!
ONE OK ROCK has announced that they'll releasing their 4th album 2010.06.09!! I'm so excited and I can't wait!!
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Labels: Figure Skating, ONE OK ROCK
Monday, 8 March 2010
work, work, work, work....
I haven't had much time lately. I haven't even had the time to choose a new GLAY-pic for the month..! (I usually change the main pic every new month.)
Well, this is what I've practically have done the last few weeks. Watch the Olympics, work, work with ice show. And the last one has taken most time. Days of just working with it. Search music for each number, that's the hardest work. Finding on Spotify hasn't been hard, but finding actual sound files have been like hell... And I still have some 2-3 numbers left without music. It's an ice show about a family travelling around the world. And totally it contains of 8-paus-8 numbers. So totally around 16 music tracks, or more.
And one of the hardest part is still left, writing the story in actual words, the words the speaker will say.
Tomorrow, two friends from Japan is coming to Sweden (^O^). They're going to stay until sunday, so it's going to be fun! But that makes it hard for me to take time to work with the ice show. So I have to find music as soon as possible to those numbers that's missing music...
Anyway, I have to stop here, to search for the Australian music. The hardest one so far....
Bye then!
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Labels: Figure Skating
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Waiting for the time to come
Now it's 0.30am, the men's free skating starts 2am... So here I'm sitting, waiting for the time to go, I'm so excited, I just don't know how this will end. I wish Takahashi and Lambiel gets medals, but it's hard to know. And since it seems that Lambiel's triple axel isn't steady enough, he maybe won't jump it, or maybe fall, many points will fall too. But I won't think this way. He can do triple axel, and if he jumps it, I will pray with all my heart that he'll make it without falling or any other problems.
For Takahashi it's the quad-toeloop that isn't in its place. I don't know whether he's planning on doing it in the free skating or not, but I hope he'll do a great performance.
But I wish all the skaters good luck with the free skating. I hope Adrian Schultheiss, our skater, shows what he really can do, and gets some places up.
Seeing my blog, I haven't written anything about the men's short program...!!
So why not writing about it while I have time? (^^)
There were many great performances at the short. Not many mistakes at all, some small from some skaters, but overall, good performances. Adrian said at an interview that he was nervous 2 days before the short. It's his first time at the Olympics, out of that, he made a good performance. He was one of the 4 skaters who jumped quad. It was quad-toeloop, but not the best landing, which made him do a single-toe, since it was his combination jump. I think one of his spins wasn't so good either. But overall it was good.
He placed 22th and will be skating the free today.
Brian Joubert made many mistakes, I think he felt so much pressure, at the same time wanted to do so good, so everything made it heavy for him. He placed low, around 16th or something. Same with Verner.
Plushenko was in the second group. So he competed early. He made all the jumps inclusive a quad-toe-triple-toe combination. But his spins were not adventurous, and his steps were soso, in my opinion. Even so, he got high scores, 90.85, which made him stand in 1st place after the short.
A super-group was in the middle of the competition. A group with Stéphane Lambiel, Takahashi Daisuke, Oda Nobunari, and Adrian Schultheiss. Among them were a 16 years young Kazakhstan skater, he was talented and I think he's something for the future.
Lambiel made a quad-toe, but the landing wasn't safe, so he made a double-toe after, he got some minus for that combination. But he had the highest program component score. He had 9.15 points for interpretation!! But he only made a double axel, which was a good one, but if he had done a good triple, he would've earned 4-5 points more or something. But the triple axel seems to not be so good, I think that's why he only made a double. We'll see what he does today. He's in 5th place with 84 something points.
Takahashi made a great performance, almost flawless. He became 3rd with 90.25 points after Evan Lysacek with 90.30 points. I just love Takahashi's short program, the music, the choreography, everything! I had his music spinning in my head the whole day after. And of course, great step sequences. Good job! I hope and think he'll get on the podium.
Oda Nobunari, after being away from competitions for a while, he made a great comeback. Great jumps and performance. He made it 4th with 84 something points. Not much before Lambiel.
Evan Lysacek made a great performance. He got second highest score, with 90.30. He actually cried when hearing his scores. Well, you say Kiss'n'cry, the place where the skaters sit and waits for their scores. What I didn't like with his program was his costume. I mean, a whole black costume, even the gloves. Why? But otherwise, good. He maybe will stand on the podium today.
Johnny Weir, haven't seen him for awhile. But he made a good performance too. He did a good triple axel. He's an unique skater, either you like him or not. And I do like him, even if people around me just say "nah....". He draws attention, and that's a good side as a skater, people remembers you. So I'm curious of his free program. Yes, I can search it on YouTube, but no, I'll wait for it today. He's 2 points behind Lambiel, so currently on 6th place.
I hope the judges will judge by seeing the performance, not the name. Because when I looked at the scores, Plushenko seemed to have received some plus points just because of his name and comeback... So, please, make a fair judgement.
Only one hour left.
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Labels: Figure Skating
Monday, 15 February 2010
I stayed up!
I managed to stay up for the Opening ceremony. I was quite tired while watching, but I did see the whole thing. Even the little miss they did with the Olympic fire.
Stéphane Lambiel was holding the Swiss flag! (^O^) He looked so excited like a little child. So cute!
I was amazed by the Canadian indians. Their culture is so amazing... I can't describe in words, but I really love their culture and beliefs. It's so cool that they were there to welcome the olympics into their territories.
I watched the reprise of Pairs short just now. Only the last two warm-up groups. I really wonder which pair will win this time... The points are close. There are many pairs that skate good and I don't know which pair I like the most. Well, they'll skate their free programs today. But I won't be up to watch, I'll watch some reprise.
What bugs me all these days are a story to our skating club's ice show we'll be doing in March... I really can't come up with something great... I don't know what to write... It's going to be an "Around the world" story. But how, I don't know....And we don't have much time left....!!
So that's what's inside my head all the time the past time... Help me someone..!!
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Labels: bugs, Figure Skating
Friday, 12 February 2010
The Winter Olympics Vancouver!
Winter Olympics in Vancouver starts today! I want to watch the opening ceremony, but it's going to be airing live at 3 am.... I don't know if I will be able to stay awake the whole ceremony, but at the same time, I won't be enjoying it as much if I see it as reprise...
Anyway, I can't wait for the figure skating competitions!! There are so many skaters I want to watch, I won't ramble them up here, it would take too much space and time... haha.
Let's enjoy the event!
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Labels: Figure Skating, Misc
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Happy Hisashi Day!

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Labels: GLAY
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Ladies and Exhibition.
They've now announced that Adrian Schultheiss will represent Sweden in Olympics. I think he's in best form out of them two, and maybe Kristoffer would feel more pressure than Adrian would when being there. There's only one ticket to the Worlds in March too, I wonder who'll go there. I hope that Kristoffer gets the chance, but if Adrian makes good skatings at the Olympics, maybe he'll be the one at the Worlds too.
And the ladies. I didn't see Viktoria's free skating, but she ended up 11th place. Only a point to the 10th place, which would've given us two tickets to the next year's Euro, but a good result anyway. Heard that she didn't jump all the triples she was planning to. She'll be the one at Olympics. It's less than a month to it!!
I think the ladies did quite many mistakes this time...that worries me a bit for the Olympics. Carolina Kostner skated beautiful, and her jumps are really great, but I hope she'll skate much better, she has to, because the world has more to give at the ladies side.
Saw the Exhibition today. Samuel Contesti, the showman, great performance, fun to watch his last season's free program. I liked it! Stéphane, beautiful as always, great skate. I do like his free program more, but he skates great to anything. I have to say, I looove the way he has his hair now! He shouldn't get longer or shorter hair, he should just have it like that, natural and free. And I fell in love with him, again, no wonder haha.
Plushenko good too. Kiira Korpi did an interesting interpretation of Beyonce's "If I were a boy". Loved her first costume.
Well, I probably will ramble on, so I should end the post here.
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Labels: Figure Skating
Friday, 22 January 2010
Lambiel is BACK!!
YES!! Lambiel did it!! And I just fell in love with him for the million time!! His short program is great, but his free program is everything!! The whole choreography, the whole thing is just so damn good made! And it fits his skating like nothing else! Oh, I just can't describe it in words. Just GREAT!!
And Plushenko is back too. He is great in jumps and all, but still, I can't become his fan. I love his jumps though, but it's not enough for me. And same with Brian Joubert. He's good technically, but doesn't convince me at all... And his choice of music, especially the free program music, it's not getting better... I mean, I know he loves Alexei Yagudin, but can't he show his own skating for once?
Unfortunately it didn't go so well for our two men, Kristoffer Berntsson and Adrian Schultheiss. Both are great, but it didn't go as good as expected, which is sad. Because Kristoffer apparently said in a press conference later on that he won't skate in the Olympics. I hope that was only what he felt that moment. They haven't decided yet who will go to the Olympics. I love them both, but I hope Kristoffer goes, because Adrian is still young and has still time to get to the Olympics in future, but maybe not Kristoffer, and after all, he's the one that skates most beautiful out of them. But we'll get the answer on sunday.
And today was the ladies short. We have one skater, Viktoria Helgesson. She skated good, but she can do better. She said that she was very nervous and that made her not skate that fast as usual. But because many other skaters did worse, she ranked 12th after short. So I think she has a good chance on getting into top 10. That would give us two skaters to the next Europeans.
Now is the ice dance. I haven't watched anything of it, so I'll watch their free skating now. I have actually no idea which pairs are in it... so I have to see that now.
And tomorrow will be a competition for my young skaters. Early in the morning... The thing is, they haven't put the starting order yet, which makes me angry since one of my skaters will skate in the first class 9 am. If she starts late, we'll have time to sleep a bit. So I really wanna know the order, but nothing has come up yet...
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Labels: Figure Skating
Friday, 8 January 2010
完全感覚Dreamer - I'm also a dreamer
Here it is, the long awaited PV from ONE OK ROCK. Or, at least I've waited for sooo long! It's awesome, so just click and listen, it's really great <3
完全感覚Dreamer Video av ONE OK ROCK - MySpace Video
it's awsome right? Release date 3rd February! I can't wait!!
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