Hey! It's snowing, in April...
Gaah, it's snowing and it's April, and it's snowing!
Can't believe it! I mean, here we go, thinking "Yes, at last Sweden's turning to spring too!", but hey, it's not that easy man. This country always needs one last shot of snow before going to spring completely.
And as for me, the skating season is fading away, I've almost nothing to do. These past days are just boring, no big happenings and nothing great planned.
It's in times like these when my thoughts are spinning in weird directions. Mostly questioning myself "What the heck am I doing..?!"
It's when I feel that I'm just standing on the same spot, not moving forwards nor backwards.Well, I can tell about one of the best doramas I've seen, Security Police (SP), starring Okada Junichi and Tsutsumi Shinichi. About Japan in terrorist, where these SP's job are to protect special persons from terrorist attacks. Okada Junichi plays a character who's parents were murdered by a terrorist when he was a child, with the big chock, his senses gets very sensitive and discovers threads faster than usual people. And the episodes goes on with a big hidden secret through the whole dorama and the special that was aired last week. A movie is planned, where I think they'll reveal the whole or parts of the secret.
How it's ended now, I have no clue who's bad or what'll happen.
But I really recommend this dorama, and the main characters are so awesomely cool!
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