Thursday, 23 August 2007

GLAY NEW Single and Live DVD!!!

New Single  2007年10月31日 (31st October)
Release タイトル: Ashes.EP
M-1 ASHES -1969-
M-4 MOTHER NATURE'S SON (Beatles cover)

◇初回限定盤DVD付:TOCT-22285 \1,500(税込)
※DVDには、MUSIC CLIP及びドキュメンタリー映像収録予定。
◇通常盤:TOCT-22286 \1,200(税込)
GLAY Official Site


New Live DVD 2007年11月7日 (7th November)
Release タイトル: GLAY Arena Tour 2007
"Love is Beautiful" -complete edition-

※初回限定生産 Specialサックケース仕様


So to my comments.
Yes, I've been very tired today somehow, but after seeing this news, I became sooo happy!! I can hardly express my feelings here, but it's like the Easter Rabbit arrived too early with a bag full of chocolate!

I've been reading TERU's Blog lately, and he's been writing that the new songs they've mixed in the studio are so great that he wants everyone to hear them already! So I think the single will be great! (^O^)
Whole FOUR new songs!!

....I have to end now, I'm gonna eat dinner...

1 comment:

Huisi said...

wonderful news isn't it!? heheh. ^__^