Sunday, 1 July 2007

Good Shopping! (^O^)

Today is sunday, very early in the morning, my host parents and one of my host sisters, me and my brother took a drive thru Tokyo. They explained where different places where, what different buildings were and things like that. I took some pictures too.

Today was not hot at all, around 25 degrees, no sun, some waterdrops falling from time to time, it wasn't "mushi-mushi" at all. Very good weather, not tiring.
But unfortunately, almost every one was tired after all these past days of walking, so we didn't go somewhere far today. We were mostly at home, taking some naps from time to time, one of my host sisters had a school work about the movie "Ghostbusters". I've actually never seen the movie, only heard the theme song/melody.
I didn't watch so seriously, but I followed it.
I read manga instead. Much better...

After the lunch, me and my brother looked in some stores around the neighbourhood. I found some pretty cheap but fine T-shirts and one shorts! I was happy!
Afterwards we went to see what the 100-yen shop had, and at last we went to Book-Off, a store where they sell second hand books, mangas, CD/DVD for cheap price. I found many GLAY singles! And I bought some videos and DVDs from different concerts!
I'm satisfied! I bought much, but for very good prices.

This is for today, I think! (^^)

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