Sunday, 25 March 2007


Today, our figure skating club had the spring iceshow. Our theme was ABBA, the 70's most popular band in the world, ruling the music industries, and were from Sweden.
So, our club based the show on ABBA's hits, 14 hits, where single skaters and skating school were skating together, doing one big show.

We divided the show in two, and in between our team, Northern Lights, skated one program, they've been working with for the last two practices. But when I saw them skate, it was amazing and I was so proud! They had just two practices to do that program and it was well done!
My friend and I couldn't participate, because we had no time. We had to participate in our club's show, so we didn't skate with the team this time. It's sad, but what to do. You can't split in two, even if you badly want to.

But instead, we got finished with our own program, and it became quite good, actually (^^)
We skated to "Dancing Queen" as the last number in the show. And we did it good!! So, no regrets.

It feels good, that this show became good. At first, I wasn't so sure about the idea, with ABBA. Not that I don't like them, but it may become boring for the public. But it seems that it did work after all.

Now, I'm going to focus on the school and further, fully.

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