Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Canon EOS 400D

Finally!! o(^O^)o

My Canon EOS 400D has arrived! Now, I can experiment with it, hahaha.
I haven't tried it out yet, because I'm charging the battery now... But as soon as it is charged, I'm going to have some fun...!

This camera is said to be very good, and have got great reviews from different places. I'm so happy that I own one myself! I can't believe it yet, but it's really true! I 've been waiting to get one digital system camera for so long!! (>o<)

Sunday, 25 March 2007


Today, our figure skating club had the spring iceshow. Our theme was ABBA, the 70's most popular band in the world, ruling the music industries, and were from Sweden.
So, our club based the show on ABBA's hits, 14 hits, where single skaters and skating school were skating together, doing one big show.

We divided the show in two, and in between our team, Northern Lights, skated one program, they've been working with for the last two practices. But when I saw them skate, it was amazing and I was so proud! They had just two practices to do that program and it was well done!
My friend and I couldn't participate, because we had no time. We had to participate in our club's show, so we didn't skate with the team this time. It's sad, but what to do. You can't split in two, even if you badly want to.

But instead, we got finished with our own program, and it became quite good, actually (^^)
We skated to "Dancing Queen" as the last number in the show. And we did it good!! So, no regrets.

It feels good, that this show became good. At first, I wasn't so sure about the idea, with ABBA. Not that I don't like them, but it may become boring for the public. But it seems that it did work after all.

Now, I'm going to focus on the school and further, fully.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Zagreb Snowflakes Trophy 2007

Season's last competition, and my last competition in the synchronized skating career.
This competition, held in Zagreb, Croatia, was good and a good ending. Thinking back, I've been learning a lot about skating. It's been a wonderful opportunity for me to actually learn things that no one elsen teach me. I've become friends with people I wouldn't have met, if it wasn't for the team.
Now, I've just put some of my photos here, I have over 300 pics from this competition. But it'll be hard to put all of them here.

This, one sunny day (well, it was sunny every day, around 20 degrees, and it was spring time!), this is between the official practice and the short program competition. We went to the town, and me and my friend just had to buy strawberries. They were delicious!

This is the day after. Between the official practice and the free program. We were in town again, but in other parts. Then we saw this figure, and my two friends wanted to pose with the grafitti, and I took a shot!

This is when we are waiting for the prize ceremony. We're waiting just outside the ice. So we took some shots while waiting. This is one of the better pictures... (^^)
After the prize ceremony, we took team photos. But after that, we had a cry-out party. There are at least 6-7 of us that aren't going to skate with the team anymore, I'm one of them. Everybody were crying in each other's arms. It was so sad. I felt that this really was the last competition, and the end.
When we got to the hotel, we gathered in one of our rooms, and talked happy and good memories with the team. At the same time, we ate the gifts from the other teams (candies and stuff).

The last day, on our way home. This is outside the airport. We're enjoying the last moments of Zagreb and the sunny spring day, because we're on the way home to the colder, clouder Sweden.
Thinking back at the moments with the team, it's been unbelieveable and fun. I'm surely going to miss all this, and all teammates. We had difficulties, and the practices wasn't always the best. But those happy memories takes over the bad ones, and just by looking back I don't want to quit. But what to do, I can't become younger.
But this trip is going to be one of the happy memories.
I want to thank Northern Lights for giving me all those experiences and memories.

Wednesday, 7 March 2007


Friday, 2 March 2007


I went to the cinema with some friends today, and we watched the movie "Blood Diamond" with Leonardo DiCaprio. There, some of the children were taken by the rebellion and made as child soldiers, and had no other choise but to do what they were told. And the other people in Sierra Leone had no choise but to try surviving all the gun shots and other terrible things.
I can't believe that these things actually happened a few years ago, and that there are still so many children that still are child soldiers, who can't choose whether to want to be it or not.

We're all humans, but such difference between us! No wonder that there are wars, the earth is sick, animals who can't survive. What kind of creature humans are. It's so unbelieveable, humans are the smartest, but still the most egoistic, and not always the smartest.

So much bad things that's made by humans, how are we suppose to survive when we just do harm to ourselves?

But still, even if there are so many horrible things, there are good things too.
A smile.
I was listening to TERU's radio program on the internet, and he was talking about smiles. One smile, with happy feelings, can make other people happy, other beings around, happy.
If a student gets good grades on a test, she smiles, and maybe other people sees her smile, and they feel some kind of happiness, maybe small, but still a happiness that brings a smile on their lips to. And so it goes on, from one to another. A smile is something powerful, and good.
And I hope that one day, we'll end up happily smiling to eachother, doesn't need words, doesn't need anything but the smile on the lips.

After seing the movie, I was a bit sad. Me and my friends talked about it, about not being able to help those who was in the situation. We had a kind of an awkward feeling about the whole thing, and that it's not just this situation, but other that still are excisting today.
But I was thinking while walking home. Sure there are things to help those people, by many ways. It's just our decision to choose one of the ways. Maybe as a politician who brings the problem up and really do something about it. Or why not a photographer who can show the world how it is. Or a volunteer who actually goes to the places and helps. It is just up to us to choose one way, or two if possible.

But is it that easy?
I was thinking about myself. What would I choose? How would I do?

I have a whole lifetime to plan, I can decide almost whatever. So, what is my plan?
The thing is, I can sit here and write like this, but do I have the right to write this, say all this, when I'm so confused myself?


aah, this isn't going to make me smarter, think I'll stop here. Before I get any more confused.