Thursday, 25 March 2010

Daisuke daisuki! :D


Greatly done, Takahashi Daisuke! You deserve the gold medal more than anyone at this moment, you deserved it at the Olympics too, but here you convinced everyone.

He's amazing and he will always be. One of the few skaters that really touches one right away. He's the same "type" as Alexei Yagudin, every performance struck into the heart. So much emotions, so much strenght and beauty, they show us the whole figure skating. Nothing is missing out, it's perfect. It's beyond anything any other sports can show us.

I mean, wtf?! Quad-flip?! I missing something..?? He did quad-flip!!! It wasn't completely clear, but he did a quad-flip, during a competition! First skater to do a different quad besides toeloop and salchow. Amazing.
Seeing the judges details, the judges downgraded it, but they put it as a quad-flip.
Means, one day we'll see this man do a clear quad-flip. *eyes wide open*

He's also got level 4 for all spins and step sequences. Besides that, lots of plus!

(The photo shows his previous free skating costume, he changed it for the Olympics...dunno why, I liked this one better than what he weared tonight.)

And our Adrian Schultheiss. Great performance. He's done better before, but this was also great. I mean, he was 7th only in free skating! Made him 9th place overall. Means 2 skaters from Sweden next year! Wohooo!
He did a great quad-toe. And most of the elements he got plus points. It's awesome. I'm so proud! And he's probably really happy too!

I wanted to watch Javier Fernandez and Florent Amodio, but I missed them... But Michal Brezina was 3rd place in free skating! He became 4th place overall. He's also awesome! I hope the coach will pull out more of the coreography from him next time. He's a great skater but I think he has more to show us, more of the passion-side of the skating.

I have to mention, Kevin van der Perren made quad-toe-triple-toe-triple-toe combination, the base value is 17.80..!! And he also got plus, so overall only that combination gave him 19.00 points..!! omg... not bad..!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Happy Birthday Alexei!

Happy Birthday Alexei!! \(^O^)/
I hope you'll having a great day!

ONE OK ROCK has announced that they'll releasing their 4th album 2010.06.09!! I'm so excited and I can't wait!!

Monday, 8 March 2010

work, work, work, work....

I haven't had much time lately. I haven't even had the time to choose a new GLAY-pic for the month..! (I usually change the main pic every new month.)

Well, this is what I've practically have done the last few weeks. Watch the Olympics, work, work with ice show. And the last one has taken most time. Days of just working with it. Search music for each number, that's the hardest work. Finding on Spotify hasn't been hard, but finding actual sound files have been like hell... And I still have some 2-3 numbers left without music. It's an ice show about a family travelling around the world. And totally it contains of 8-paus-8 numbers. So totally around 16 music tracks, or more.
And one of the hardest part is still left, writing the story in actual words, the words the speaker will say.

Tomorrow, two friends from Japan is coming to Sweden (^O^). They're going to stay until sunday, so it's going to be fun! But that makes it hard for me to take time to work with the ice show. So I have to find music as soon as possible to those numbers that's missing music...

Anyway, I have to stop here, to search for the Australian music. The hardest one so far....
Bye then!