This Is It.
It was wonderful.
I couldn't stop being surprised on every song, it was really a big show.
“Kurui ppanashi no mainichi”
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Labels: Music
Wow.. I haven't written in more than a month...!
Quite much has happened since last time. I've had so much to do, and all this stuff I was busy with is only figure skating. Yep, we have issues all the time at our club. We've "moved" out from our place that we've had ever since I-have-no-idea. Now we have our so-called office in an another room just outside the one we had until now. And our coach dressing room has been moved down to a small room outside the entrance to the ice rink. The previous boys dressing room. So small we barely can have all our stuff there...! The lightning in that room is awful too. But ah, we only take our skating shoes on and off there, not a place we "hang out" longer than some 10 minutes or so. Our previous dressing room had a window to the rink, so you could watch when the skaters started to go on the ice etc. But anyway. We got more ice hours now.
And the skating school has begun, but there are so much less kids this time than the previous season... I hope our economy will go round without problem... But the information has been awful too. It's because we've changed people and the new "staff" isn't getting the whole thing yet, so that's why it's been problems after problems. I think that's one of the reasons we have less kids, the info hasn't arrived on time, and people are planning other stuff instead.
Anyway, I think it's starting to getting better now. Still much to do, but not as much as at the start.
Well, tomorrow we change the time into winter time, or standard time. I hope everyone remembers, or they'll come to the rink one hour earlier... Not my problem, I've informed the coaches at least.
Oh, it's already the last week in October. Geez, I can't believe how fast the time goes...! It makes me sick....honestly. It feels like my life will go so fast that I'll end up doing nothing, becoming no one. The future bugs me all the time. Why can't I choose a path and go?
Oh yeah, I started to read the manga "BECK" (I ended it today). It's about a band called BECK after one of the guitarist's dog. They're young guys trying to make it in the Japanese music industry, but always gets pushed back because of a leading music producer. Very interesting, kept me busy the last two weeks or so. Sad it's ended.
Ok I don't have time to sit here and write. Have to take a shower before going to sleep, but before that, I have to print some documents, and probably walk our doggie 'cause no one else don't want to do that...
I think I'm a pro at writing weird and not-so-good blog entries.... This one is also a total fail. But I don't care. Just writing to get things out of my head from time to time. And now I've got like 1% out of my head. The rest, well, dunno when I'll write it down...
But for now, this has to do. The dog is yelling, wants to go out, I have to go...
Bye then.
PS. Oh, forgot to write, I can play GLAY's "I am xxx" on bass now. So bad, I've only learned one single song since I arrived home....have to work harder...
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Labels: Figure Skating, Misc