お誕生日おめでとう HISASHI!!
Okay, I'm one day late, but I was so busy yesterday.
Hisashi turned
36 years yesterday.
And this is my first entry this year... Hm... I should write more often...
I was so busy the first week of the year, and after that I forgot to write about the first and the worst week of the year. I was so busy I hardly had time to go to the toilet or sleep.
I was working more than I was asleep every day.
But now I'm done with University for a long time! I won't go back until I know what I want to study. Now, I'm just working as a skate coach.
I'll see if I can get a job at IKEA soon.
Yesterday, it was the annual synchronized skating competition here at home, I don't skate synchro-skating anymore, but I was asked to help at the competition. So I "worked" as a timer, to take time to the skaters, to see that they don't skate too short or too long etc.
And I also got to see the competition!
Northern Lights came on 4th place with 109,42 points, the 3rd placed team had 109,70 points. More irritated and closer points, I've never seen. It was so close, it would've been better if the 3rd placed team had won over Northern Lights with 2-3 points or so, not with 0,28.
But besides the points, I think they skated good.
And when I was heading home, it was snow-storm. I barely could go with my Converse shoes...
And today wasn't better. The snow had turned to ice, and my legs and feet got so tired just by walking to the ice rink. And the way back too. I was exhaused and couldn't be standing.
Well, this for now.
Bye then.