Monday, 31 December 2007


This will be the last entry of the year.
I'm not good at "looking back" at the year, but this year has been eventfull. So many things have happened this year, I can't even recall everything now.
I wonder how the next year will turn out to be, I deffinitely don't wanna stay on the same spot, I want and I will be moving away from where I am now. How and when, I don't know, but I can't imagine being on the same spot for too long.

This year in short:

  • Graduation parties, school's last months
  • Last season with the synchronized skating team Northern Lights
  • And no more skating practice for me...
  • Electric Bass
  • The whole Graduation itself
  • The trip to Japan
  • Meeting with longing friends in Tokyo
  • New and best haircut
  • My own digital system camera
  • The whole University thing that I noticed isn't my thing, yet
  • My first F in my whole life
  • All the thoughts of what to do with life, EVERY day
  • Trying to get a conclusion of all the thoughts
  • Yet not a sure answer after around 2 years of thinking
  • Hoping for an answer next year
I can't help feeling everything is mendokusai for the moment. All these things.
I don't know why I feel this mendokusai feeling, it's just like this.
What to wear, how to look, with who to celebrate new year, etc etc.
Today, we'll have some guests, that's why we clean and make food and everything. After the dinner, I'll be heading towards my friend's appartment, where she and her sister will have a party until next day. After that, I'll see for how long I'll be staying.

And above all, the weather. Until yesterday it was quite warm, temperature around 3-5 degrees and not so bad weather. But today, it started to snow, the temperature has sunken till 1 degree and it'll surely rain or snow the whole evening and night. This weather sucks when it comes to go out. Cold and rainy. Yeah, this will be fun.

Well, Happy New Year to you all!

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Koizora - were you happy?

"Koizora" is a love story that was originally published on the popular cell phone site Mahou no iRando. It was authored by new writer Mika, and is based on her own experiences. The story was released in book form last October, selling more than a million copies in its first month.
The story revolves around Mika (named after the author), who falls in love with her classmate, Hiroki, upon entering high school. But over the course of the novel, she ends up suffering through many trials, such as rape, abortion, and betrayal.

Since I heard of this movie and watched the trailer, I was patiently waiting for the DVD release, but I was able to find it on the Internet, and I watched it today. This is an incredible story, and I really want to read the novel itself. This is a love story, but not the usual one, but a higher quality. This is a story you shouldn't miss out, this is something you really will cry on. A story that tells how sweet a love could be, as much as how painful it can be.

The description isn't so complete and doesn't explain the movie that good, but it's the one I found in English by Tokyograph. Search for better reviews and descriptions.

This is the year's must-watch movie, I strongly recommend it.
The actors are brilliant, and the story makes it all. What more could you ask for?

Rising Stars

Last weekend, me and my mum went to the southern side of Sweden, Gothenburg (Göteborg). My youngest brother (to the right) was competing in Swedish Nationals for the first time. He had one opponent. After a good short program, he was leading. But his free program wasn't good at all, worse than usual. But he got good grades on the 'program components' so he won with a couple of points, but it was close that he'll not win. His coach wasn't satisfied after the free program, but anyway, he won his first nationals.

After the medal ceremony, I rushed to my brother with my camera, and asked the Swedish champion, Kristoffer Berntsson, if I could photograph him with my brother. Here's the result! And I'm very proud of this shot (^O^)

And next year, the World Figure Skating Championship is going to be held in the same arena, me and my brother are going to watch it! Sweden will have two skaters in the category 'men', and one skater in the category 'ladies'. Both Kristoffer Berntsson and Adrian Schultheiss are very good skaters now, Adrian is even comparable with Kristoffer (who ended up 9th last year in worlds!!), so I think there is great chances for Sweden now!! Haven't been like this for YEARS! And at last, we have great skaters in the competitions!