Sunday, 18 November 2007


yeah, I've got fever for the first time in so many years, I barely can't remember...
And it's happening exactly when I'm as busiest. So bad timing, there isn't worse... I had to find replacements for the figure skating lessons I had from 8 AM to 12 AM. And tomorrow, we're going to start with new things in the University, I really can't miss it, or I'll just won't understand a thing afterwards... And I have one hour on ice too... Who's going to take it??

It's been so long time since I had fever last time, I've forgot that it's this boring... I barely can't do a thing...!
Anyway, I have to go to bed now, try to make me free from the fever, at least until tomorrow...or I'll be crying...!

Saturday, 10 November 2007

snow again

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

study study...but how?!

I'm supposed to study for the upcoming exam... But it's not going so well... I'm always finding something else to do instead of studying. Always doing everything but study. It's really bad, a bad habit I have since, I dunno when.
And two days has gone since I decided to really start study. As fast as I look at the books, as fast I don't have any will to study or open the books, or try to understand what I'm supposed to know for the exam.
I wonder why it has to be like this. Study new things, get to understand new things, should be interesting! And fun! Hey, you got to know something you've never known before! Isn't it excited??, not this time, or this subject. Economics... Why should it be so much things? Okay, I chosed the subject myself, but it's because I think it's good knowledge, whatever you'll do in life. But really, honestly, this is such a bore! I knew it wouldn't be as fun as photoshooting, but I tried to be positive, to have an open mind for this new thing I've never studied before. But I think it doesn't work all the time...

Anyway, today I'll not be able to do anything more. I've been on an evening-course, subject in musical science (?), about jazz, pop and rock, the whole evening. But this is interesting indeed! And the teacher show us interesting videoclips and let us hear music of popular artists that's been influenced the artists after themselves.
This is easier to study, the answer is: because I'm more interested in this. Economics isn't my thing, that's why I can't concentrate any good...

And the weather doesn't make this study-thing any better... Just cold and rainy, and dark. Such a bad weather... I need sunlight!! Or I can't study any good... There won't be any will because of this sucking weather...

Well, anyway, I think I'll be heading towards my bed soon... Better to try to wake up a bit earlier tomorrow, than doing nothing now...

Sunday, 4 November 2007

sometimes, life just sucks...

Today's been, so far, the worst day this week...
I couldn't sleep tonight 'cause my dad was snoring in the room next to mine, Mimmi was walking around loudly just outside my door, I was irritated over things so that didn't make me able to sleep either. I had problems with my earphones to my iPod, and tried to get the problem away. I did fix the problem after some irritating moments.
I decided to go to my brother's bedroom downstairs, 'cause he's away until this evening, so I shut his noisy PC off, and got to bed. Somehow I got into not so peaceful sleep, but better than nothing.

In the morning before I had to wake up, my other brother's cellphone was ringing, very annoying. It was my mum trying to wake him up, but he was already awake and upstairs... So I woke up, 'cause I had no other choice. I went to the skating rink, thinking of what kind of exercises I should do with my skate-group today. And I was happy to finally meet one of my friends I haven't meet for weeks! But she didn't show up, so I thought that she maybe couldn't come this sunday, I was a bit sad... And when I was on my way down to the rink, I slipped with my skates on, didn't hurt that much, but I was so tired, think that's why I slipped, otherwise I never do that.
There were almost no kids around, and less parents. Didn't notice that much, and then I forgot my checklist, so I asked one of the trainer to get it for me, but she said "But your group doesn't have any practice today? It's autumn-break today". I was like "Okay...WHAT??!?!?". I had forgot, completely that today the youngest groups doesn't have any practice because it's autumn-break.
I got all blank, just climbing those stairs back to the trainer-room. Untying the skates, and "what now..? I just came here to tie and untie my skates...? Or..whatthehell!". My friend was going to take a group and have ground-practice, but she complained that she had to study for a test she's having tomorrow. And I offered to take the group, so that I have some reason to come here.
So I took the group instead of her. I did something anyway...

And when I got back home, I was tired, but not able to sleep again. I was thinking of a nap, so that I wouldn't be as tired the rest of the day... But couldn't.
So, I looked my mail... And I found one from e+ ticket service. It said I hadn't got any tickets for GLAY live in Tokyo...
... ... ... what the hell... Everything has to go bad today... It's just such day.
Nothing positive. What am I doing?
So this is the shit, no good sleep, fogetting things, slipping, no GLAY tickets --> means no trip to Tokyo either... Sometimes life sucks...

And I'm still tired, can't make a thing work today... (-__________-)

Saturday, 3 November 2007

snow snow snow...

First snow has fallen, but it's around 4 degrees, so the snow is already melting away... I think it had fallen during the night, and when I woke up, it was white outside.
But the weather isn't cold enought to let the snow remain. Which results to water, and you get wet when you go outside, especially with the dog... Mimmi gets all wet just by going a short walk for 10 minutes...

I finally watched GLAY's performance on Music Station, they're really good! (^O^)
Today they're performing at Countdown TV, and Music Fighter.